Hypnosis gives new hope for really Losing Weight

Hypnosis for Weight Loss has been in the news a lot recently, and some very famous people have turned away from the usual diets and looked deeper for the answer of permanent changes  to their body shape and weight.   For many years people have been searching for the ‘dream’ Weight Loss diet to help them lose those excess pounds  gained over the years.

Sadly, it seems, there is no ideal weight loss diet that suits everyone. And for this reason, more and more people are turning to  Clinical Hypnotherapy for a  balanced lifestyle and Weight Loss solution.

Depression is a serious matter, sometimes brought on by difficult things that have happened in your life, or the stress of work. But you can easily become depressed over constant ‘battling’ with weight and eating habits, always wishing you could lose those extra pounds.

Many of you spend a fortune each year trying to lose weight, trying lots of different diets and pills that really don’t work, and then become depressed or despondent because you have tried again and again to lose weight without success.

Maybe you have difficulty with will power, and really struggle to get each and every pound off. It’s just too depressing,  feeling you will never reduce your excess weight,so you give up and have a coffee and a cream caketo cheer yourself up!

But now,  according to published reports on Hypnotherapy for weight loss, and the ‘Virtual’ Gastric Band programme that has made the headlines in recent News, you can achieve what you dream of  in body shape and lifestyle with a lot more ease.

People who have used Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss  and lifestyle changes have said they wished they had known about it sooner, others have been puzzled as to why their doctor never mentioned to them that they could use  hypnosis and hypnotherapy  for weight loss and much more.

So, What does Hypnosis do, and  how does it work?

Why are more and more people turning to hypnotherapy  to enable them to change their body shape, get fit and alter their lifestyle in a way that they have always wanted?

In Hypnotherapy,  you will find yourself going into a deep state of intense relaxation, with your body and mind feeling totally relaxed, clam and peaceful. Once your body and mind is in a relaxed state, your mind becomes extremely receptive to new ideas and new suggestions that will help you to make changes and achieve what you want.

As a hypnotherapist  positive thoughts and positive changes are suggested at a very deep level of mind.  Your mind is encouraged to take a different approach in your behavioural patterns which will help you to gain the body shape and size you want.

Perhaps you are the kind of person who cannot walk past a sugary cream cake without wanting and eating it?  Hypnosis will guide you to retrain your subconscious mind to be not interested in that cream cake.

You can have a completely new way of looking at food , exercise and habits. Hypnotherapy  goes deeply into why you might feel the urge to comfort eat, when your weight gain started, and what your mind and body is thinking when you are eating.

As a professional hypnotherapist, it is my aim to restructure all negative habits and behaviours,  reframing and turning  them into positive behaviours, bringing in new confidence and a new self-awareness.

More and more people are now turning to Hypnosis for many things, including weight loss, because it works extremely well, and has been doing for many decades.  Low confidence,  comfort eating, and stressfull over eating can be very often due to something that happened in early  life.

Research over the last 100 years, and now recent  reports in the daily newspapers now confirm what we have known all along –that hypnosis as a therapy really does work.

Contact me and find out for yourself!

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