Research on possible benefits from dolphin sonar, echolocalization, and ultrasound in unwinding and revitalising the DNA.
A number of dolphin assisted therapy researchers such as Elaine Thompson (UK) and Marysol Gonzales (Spain) have undertaken research to try to decipher what the benefits reported by so many persons after swimming with dolphins are in physical and emotional terms. There have been obvious and concrete results
obtained from EEG; David Cole from Aquathout labs has documented proof that both brain hemispheres enter into synchronization after dolphin interaction. Some other researchers are doing blood tests before and after swimming with dolphins and are finding changes in hormones and enzymes.
We think the answer is found in the sonar/echo localization sounds the dolphins emit to localize things in their surrounding environment, and the effect this ultrasound has on the DNA spiral.
There is an organization in Spain that has a program to research the benefits of sound as therapy and we also conduct a program of Biosonic Cranial with dolphins, using Cranial Osteopathy or Cranio Sacral therapy unwinding in the water. We have introduced a new modality of sound therapy using voice analysis, in order to know the sound deficiencies in the person’s voice before interaction with dolphin ‘treatment’. We then measure the changes also happening as a result of doing treatment on the person with tuning forks. Allowing the vibratory sensation of the tuning fork’s stem to unblock the areas of the body where trauma and chronic stagnation has stopped sending signals to the brain, and helping it to recognize the vibratory sensation of the tuning fork stem placed in an insensitive area of the body.
Vibrational Retraining Sound Therapy:
Research Methods
Two processes are utilized in the practice of human vocal profiling, followed by sound presentation. Voice print profiling is a method used to gather data from the human voice as a picture of the frequency patterns which are analysed for their relationship to anatomical, physiological, or emotional imbalance.
A sound therapy session begins with the client speaking into a unidirectional microphone for in the region of one minute. This voice sample is then used to discover harmonic patterns that govern the person’s overall vocal coherence. The wave form sample is converted with fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm to a spectrograph chart representation of the frequencies, amplitudes, and structure of the voice.
Frequencies represented on the chart show areas that are much higher, much lower, or structurally broken. These are used to construct frequency formulas that stimulate and normalize high or low frequencies.
The client is usually tested with low frequency sound combinations, a process where the person listens to given sounds. A retest of the voice after sound delivery will generally show a chart that displays a more unified voice pattern with fewer frequency changes in high and low ranges, indicating greater vocal coherence and more balance in the bodily systems
Vibrational Retraining charts indicate repeating unbalanced incoherence in voice frequency structure. A chart with fewer high and low points shows greater vocal coherence. Reports created from the sample data include information on issues with muscles, toxins, bio-chemicals, medications, nutrients, hormonal issues and other factors. These reports have been used by health professionals and wellness practitioners to gain direction toward supporting optimal form and function in the human body.
Using this type of vocal print, we can establish the general high and low points in a person’s voice. In other words, we can easily see where there is concentrated energy and where there is little energy. As each tonal area governs a system in the body, we can determine where potential problems are in the overall scheme of balance in the body functions, and as an additional aid to discovering more specific issues in those systems.
VR Sound Therapy: Sound Presentation
Based on the detailed analysis of the vocal profile, sound formulas are then formulated and presented to the individual using a low frequency analog tone generator, called a tonebox. Brain wave patterns are measured as a range from 0 to approximately 64 cycles per second.
Frequency formulas are constructed within this range for sound presentation. Each tone formula is usually presented for up to two minutes.
Pulse oximeter feedback can be used to obtain objective data (such as pulse rate, heart rate). Once appropriate sound formulas are ascertained, they are programmed into a tone box, which is a small portable analog frequency generator(smaller than a pack of cards), allowing an individual to listen privately through headphones or subwoofer with ease.
Constant exposure (or as much as is possible) to the frequencies will re-train the body’s vibrational patterns to a more cohesive and balanced pattern. Harmonics of the sound formula are extremely important as part of the operative factor. Human hearing spans eleven octaves from 20 to 20,000 cycles per second and each shade of sound frequency appears to represent either a precise nutrient, biochemical, muscle, protein, genome, toxic compound, or pathogen..
Sound Therapy: Information References
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